SBI, Guwahati Job 2020: Apply For 85 Support Officer & Channel Manager Posts
SBI Guwahati Job 2020
Last Date: 18/06/2020
State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment 2020: State Bank of India, Local Head Office, Guwahati has invited applications for the posts of 85 Support Officer, Channel Manager Facilitator and Channel Manager Supervisor vacancies.

SBI Recruitment 2020 Full Details:
1. Support Officer to AGM (AC – S & P) at Circles
No of posts: 04
2. Channel Manager Supervisor (CMS-AC)
No of posts: 22
3. Channel Manager Facilitator (CMF-AC)
No of posts: 59
Eligibility Criteria: Retired employees and an officer of the Bank/ e-Abs/ other PSBs retired in the Scale I to IV, who retired from Bank’s service on attaining superannuation on or before 31/05/2020 and should not have completed 63 years of age as on 30/06/2020 .
How to apply SBI Job 2020:
All interested eligible retired employees and officers are advised to send a scanned copy of their application on the email id latest by 18/06/2020 and the original copy to reach us on the under-noted address latest by 20/06/2020.
Asstt. General Manager (HR)
State Bank of India
Local Head Office
Advertisement Details/ Application Form: ClickHere