Family Court, Nalbari Recruitment 2020: Apply For 2 Superintendent And UDA Posts
Family Court, Nalbari Recruitment 2020
Last Date: 26/06/2020
Family Court, Nalbari Recruitment 2020: Family Court, Nalbari has invited application for the posts of 2 Superintendent and Upper Division Assistant (UDA) vacancies.

Family Court, Nalbari Recruitment Full Details:
1. Superintendent
No of posts: 01 [UR]
Eligibility Criteria: Worked as Sheristadar of Additional District & Sessions Judge or as Head Assistant or similar other post in any judicial establishment at least for a period of 5 years.
2. Upper Division Assistant (UDA)
No of posts: 01 [UR]
Eligibility Criteria: Worked as LDA or similar other post in any judicial establishment at least for a period of 5 years.
Selection Process: Candidates for both Superintendent and Upper Division Assistant will be selected by a Selection Board through oral interview carrying 50 marks.
How to apply Family Court, Nalbari Job 2020:
The candidates must submit the duly filled up application enclosing necessary testimonials including NOC from his/her current employer, copies of ACR for 5 (five) years and service book showing comments of the superior officers.
The candidates must submit the complete application through proper channel only. Model form is enclosed with the advertisement.
Candidates must super-scribe on the envelope containing the application form the post for which he/she has applied for. The applications should be addressed to "The Principal Judge, Family Court, Nalbari, PO- Nalbari, Dist: Nalbari (Assam), PIN-781335".
The last date for submitting applications is 26/06/2020 within office hours till 04:00 PM .
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